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H-AI-Brid Translations2024-06-10T16:45:55+02:00

The H-AI-Brid© method : Human translation and AI for your web pages and digital content

The H-AI-Brid© method : Human localization and AI for your web pages and digital content

Milega, web translation agency  helps you internationalize your content, improving your SEO and boosting client engagement. Increase your sales while reducing translation costs by 60% and cutting your online launch time in half. Click below to learn more

Milega, web translation agency  helps you internationalize your content, improving your SEO and boosting client engagement. Increase your sales while reducing translation costs by 60% and cutting your online launch time in half. Click below to learn more

Migrate from current translation trends to the H-AI-brid© method

End Basic Machine Translation

Are you still using online automatic  translation tools to localize your content?

  • Basic automatic translations aren’t always accurate.
  • Lack of SEO and cultural sensitivity, fails to engage your target audiences.
  • No tailored support or quality checks carried out by experts.

Reject slow, costly translation methods

Or  outdated per-word translation services?

  • Charging by the word soon becomes costly if your site has a large volume of content
  • Unfamiliarity with CMS logic can lead translators to miss SEO opportunities and cause difficulties aligning with the structure of your website.
  • Per-word service have a slower turnaround time

Maximize your impact with the H-AI-Brid approach

We leverage the Pareto Principle to create H-AI-Brid translations.

As part of this strategy,  we use human translation for the top 20% of your content — that is, your high-performing content that drives sales and visibility. For the remaining content, we use SEO-enhanced machine translation, supported by a detailed glossary, optimizing impact and efficiency and boosting international business growth.

cheaper than traditional translation
higher conversion rates compared to automated solutions
translation times reduced by

Leverage your current CMS for greater value

Our team understands your eCommerce Platform and technical setup, facilitating a smooth translation process. Our customers use…

How the process works

  • Identify strategic content (top 20%) and secondary content (remaining 80%)p
  • Provide a first cost estimate
  • Check for SEO and cultural relevance with tools such as Screaming frog, Ahrefs, Answer the questions
  • Recommend the best technical solution for your CMS: plugin, proxy, Local.

  • Create an industry-specific glossary using your terminology
  • Perform multilingual SEO  keyword research  with tools as ahrefs, answer the questions. Keyword planer
  • Incorporate your brief and branding guidelines
  • Provide  technical support for exporting content for translation
  • Confirmation of all elements with your local teams

Strategic content:
Our expert translators and copywriters will  ensure your message resonates with your target audience. We’ll transcreate your content and implement your keywords, glossaries, and terminology, and maintain your brand’s voice and impact across all languages.

Secondary content:
We use advanced neural Al translation that’s enhanced with your glossary, SEO keywords, and a translation memory from your primary content. As a result, we can deliver cohesive, high-quality translations quickly!

We check that all translations are correctly integrated into your CMS.

We can also provide long-term support for your future needs, such as :

  • Blog transcreation,
  • Customer case translations
  • New app localization
  • Social media content translation
  • Translation of google Ads and banner

Global brands trust Milega to localize their content and grow their business

Why hundreds of customers love Milega

We have been working with Milega, attracted from the start by their work ethics and professionalism, still our reliable partners today. As a new cashmere brand, we value their quick and dedicated translation services

Unenbat Chuluunbat
Sales Director Europe & USA

Always available, quick feedback and excellent communication. Solutions and alternatives always offered in the event of a last-minute constraint. They were able to offer fast results and quality translations

Nathalie de Cupertinis
Office Manager

Get, fast, accurate and engaging translations for 45 languages!

Book a call with our expert team. Support with getting set up and strategy execution

Merging human expertise with AI to deliver accurate and efficient translations tailored to specific industry needs.

Who can I talk to?2024-05-21T16:14:00+02:00

Our project managers will be delighted to assist you. They speak French, English and Spanish, and our added value is to create a real relationship with our customers.

Who are the translators responsible for premium translations, transcreation and localization?2024-05-21T16:13:41+02:00

Our translators are qualified native speakers, specialized in one or more fields. We have a network of 700 translators for 45 languages, guaranteeing the quality and relevance of every translation.

What AI machine translation systems do you use?2024-05-21T16:14:17+02:00

Our system is based on a Google Cloud environment capable of integrating several LLMs and machine translation tools. These are in a secure environment, and are more powerful and accurate than traditional translation tools.

What is the H-AI-brid© method?2024-05-21T16:14:59+02:00

The H-AI-brid© method combines artificial intelligence and professional translators to translate medium- to large-scale content. It boosts international sales, cuts translation costs by 60%, and halves time-to-market.

What are the main advantages of the H-AI-brid© method?2024-05-29T04:22:25+02:00
  • 60% reduction in translation costs compared to traditional methods.
  • 50% reduction in time-to-market.
  • 70% increase in conversion rates compared to automated solutions.
How does the H-AI-brid© method improve SEO and customer engagement?2024-05-21T16:15:51+02:00

By combining human translation for key content (the most important 20%) and SEO-optimized machine translation for secondary content (the remaining 80%), the H-AI-brid© method improves visibility, SEO and customer engagement. It begins with in-depth research into keyword equivalents in the desired language, and optimizes each page accordingly.

What types of content are translated using the H-AI-brid© method?2024-05-21T16:16:09+02:00

Mainly websites (shop window or e-commerce sites), software, SaaS, technical documentation and other digital content.

How does the translation process work?2024-05-21T16:17:07+02:00
  1. Step 1: Content assessment
  2. Step 2: Strategy and configuration
  3. Step 3: Transcreation, localization and enhanced AI
  4. Step 4: Integration and future content (updates…)

Each step is designed to optimize the translation and ensure that the content is culturally relevant and SEO-friendly.

What tools and technologies are used to verify SEO and cultural relevance?2024-05-21T16:18:02+02:00

Tools such as Screaming Frog, Ahrefs and Answer the Questions are used to ensure that translated content is optimized for search engines and culturally relevant.

How can I get a free audit?2024-05-21T16:18:43+02:00

You can obtain a free audit by filling in the form on our website: Free audit

Why should I choose the H-AI-brid© method over traditional or machine translation methods?2024-05-21T16:19:18+02:00
  • The H-AI-brid© method offers greater accuracy and cultural relevance than traditional machine translations.
  • It is faster and more cost-effective than word-by-word translation methods.
  • It maximizes the impact of your content using an optimized approach based on the Pareto principle.
How does H-AI-brid© integrate with my current CMS?2024-05-21T16:20:04+02:00

The Milega team understands your e-commerce platform and your technical configuration, allowing for seamless integration of the translation. They recommend the best technical solution for your CMS, whether it’s a plugin, proxy or local solution.

How are machine and AI translations enriched?2024-05-21T16:20:57+02:00

Machine and AI translations are enriched in several ways:

  • Detailed glossaries: Use of specific glossaries to ensure terminological consistency.
  • SEO optimization: Integration of SEO best practices to improve online visibility.
  • Human supervision: Translations are checked and improved by professional translators to ensure cultural and contextual relevance.
  • Continuous feedback: Feedback from customers and experts is used to refine and improve translation algorithms.
How do I get an accurate quote?2024-05-29T04:28:11+02:00

To get an accurate quote, follow these steps:

  1. Contact Milega: Go to our contact page and fill in the contact form with details of your translation project.
  2. Content assessment: We will asses your content to determine specific translation requirements, including the amount of primary and secondary content.
  3. Initial estimate: You will receive an initial estimate based on the preliminary assessment.
  4. Detailed consultation: An in-depth consultation will be organized to discuss technical requirements, SEO objectives, and cultural preferences.
  5. Final quotation: After the consultation, we will provide a final quotation detailing the exact costs, deadlines and services included.
Can the H-AI-brid© method be applied to all sectors?2024-05-21T16:22:26+02:00

Yes, the H-AI-brid© method is designed to be flexible and adaptable to various sectors. Whether you’re in e-commerce, technology, finance, healthcare, tourism or any other field, the combination of artificial intelligence and professional translators means you can adapt your translations to the specificities of your sector. Specialized glossaries and SEO optimization are customized to the needs of each industry to ensure that translations are relevant and effective.

Does the H-AI-brid© method force me to change my multilingual process (plugin, connector)?2024-05-29T04:30:39+02:00

No, the H-AI-brid© method does not require you to change your multilingual process. Our team will carry out a technical diagnosis of your current system and do everything possible to maintain the same system, whether it’s Weglot, WPML, Langshop, ConveyThis or a local method. The aim is to integrate the H-AI-brid© method seamlessly with your existing tools to minimize disruption and maximize efficiency.

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