Website translation

Would you like to have your website translated by a professional? You’ve made the right choice! Calling on website translation experts is the only way to receive a perfect translation. However, be careful not to make any mistakes when sending the pages to be translated.

If you decide to send all your site’s pages to be translated, without first assessing your needs, you risk being disappointed! Not only are you likely to receive a stiff bill, but you could also end up with content that you don’t need!

E-translation agency is a specialist in web translations, and gives you pointers on how to have your website translated without losing money.

Only select texts appropriate to the target country

Having your website pages translated is an essential step when your e-commerce site opens up internationally. It’s also a step that requires a certain amount of investment (if you want to obtain a quality translation).

This is why it’s important to consider the following question: are all the texts on my site worth translating? Quite often, this is not the case.


Website translation: not all products are suitable for all markets

Depending on your industry, some of your products may not be suitable for the market you are targeting. In this case, translating the product sheets and blog articles relating to these products is a waste of both time and money. Use SEO tools to determine which product is likely to be profitable in a given country.

Translating product sheets and blog articles that are not suited to your target market is a waste of time and money

Some blog posts are not relevant to all countries

In the same way, if your site includes a blog (which is strongly recommended from an SEO point of view), it is possible that certain blog articles are not adapted to the country in which you want to get established. If, for example, you sell organic cotton clothing and your blog post deals with the winter fashion trends in France, it’s unlikely that it will be read by Chilean or Australian Internet users. Similarly, if an article deals with a topic that is no longer current, it will not necessarily be worthwhile having it translated.

Website translation: Terms and Conditions

It is highly likely that your T&Cs are not relevant to any other country other than France. In fact, it would be a shame to have them translated only to then find out that you need to have new ones written directly in the language of your target country!

Using a web agency to reduce translation costs

In-depth knowledge of different countries

A professional translation agency consists of professional and native translators. This means that their native language is that of the country in which you wish to establish your activity.

In fact, they know which content is compelling, and equally which content it is not worth having translated.

Similarly, most translation agencies have SEO tools. These tools make it possible to know if a product – or service – is sought after in a country or in a region.

Before having a site translated, ask your translation agency to analyse the situation and the relevance of your site’s content for the target language. This could lower your site’s translation costs!

Computer-assisted translation tools

If your site has a large number of words to be translated, you may be somewhat worried about how much it is going to cost. To lower the price of a website translation, it is best to use a translation agency that uses CAT, computer-assisted translation tools.

Do you have any questions? Would you like some advice about your site’s future translation needs? Get in touch; we’ll be happy to answer all your questions!